Friday, November 18, 2005

Secrets of Longetivity

The National Geographic (November 2005 issue ) features an article on the secrets of longetivity, carrying some pictures of people aged from 75 years to above 100 years old. In this feature, Dan Buetter wrote about the research that has been done in recent years to uncover the keys to longevity in three of the healthiest, most long lived groups in the world.

Is it something in the water? In the food, maybe. So what is contributing to the high incidences of longetivity being experienced by the people in Okinawa, Sardina, and Loma Linda (the Adventists), California when between them, they have many differences in backgrounds and beliefs, some as diverse as vegetarian diets to higher fat and protein “mediterranean” diets. They also have some striking similarities in practices. Therein, it is suggested, lies their secret to long life. Sepuluh tahun extension, at least.

Okinawans - Keep life-long friends, eat small portions, eat fish, stay physically active, keep working & have a definite purpose in life.

Sardinians - Drink red wine (in moderation), share burden with spouse & and devoted to family, eat high omega 3 foods (pecorino cheese for example), stay physically active and never stop working.

Adventists - Eat nuts, beans, grains, fruits and vegetables, do not smoke, obeserve the Sabbath, have faith, & strong social and family ties

There you are. The secrets to long life.


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