Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Definite Purpose

"Until thought is linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment." - As A Man Thinketh

In her book, Unstoppable, Cynthia Kersey writes that a prominent psychologist asked 3,000 people, "What have you to live for?" An amazing 94% answered by saying they had no definite purpose for their lives - 94% percent!! With those kind of results, is it any wonder that there are so many unhappy people in our world today?

James Allen also tells us on this subject that, "They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to worries, fears, troubles, and self-pity." When I was part of the 94% without a purpose, my life was constantly dark with all types of worries, fears and troubles. I was a ship without a rudder floating aimlessly in a raging sea. Nothing in my life seemed to go right.

I believe we were created with a purpose in our heart, and part of our journey here is to discern that purpose and to act on that purpose.

Purpose puts power and excitement in our lives. It keeps us from looking at the little picture of "me" and causes us to look at the big picture of "we."

Ralph Marston, who writes The Daily Motivator, says "Your wishes, desires, hopes, dreams, opinions, likes and dislikes, at their very deepest level, revolve around a purpose. You can sense it. It is there. Pay attention to the times you really feel good about yourself. Ask yourself why this is so. Keep asking until you touch a purpose so fundamental it cannot be explained in any other way."

Napoleon Hill, writing in the classic Think and Grow Rich, said that having a purpose was so important to success that people would have a different (and better) story to tell about their lives "if only they would adopt a DEFINITE PURPOSE, and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession!"

And that's worth thinking about.

This above article is a reproduction from James Allen's eMeditation, a free subscription service.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, do read up on Jean Paul Satre's brand of Existentialism.

The perennial 'Essence or Existence'.


12:34 AM  

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