Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You attract what you are!

When Harry Truman was thrust into the U.S. presidency upon the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn gave him some
fatherly advice: "From here on out you're going to have lots of people around you. They'll try to put a wall around you and cut you from any ideas but theirs. They'll tell you what a great man you are, Harry. But you and I both know you ain't."
Today someone finally speaks the obvious but politely. Dr Mahathir Mohamad's former political secretary Matthias Chang called on Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar to resign for having 'wrongly advised' Pak Lah over the half-bridge issue. Chang, who claimed to be speaking in his personal capacity, said Abdullah should not be blamed for the bridge fiasco because he was surrounded by 'bad advisers'.

If only we have a Sam Rayburn to dispense some advice to Pak Lah and hold him accountable. But then, he chose his own advisors, didn't he?


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