Thursday, June 01, 2006

Be Street Smart

A thief looks at two houses on a street -- both are large and well kept, so he is assuming there are great steals in both houses. Both are empty -- all the neighbors are at a block party down at the end of the street. Both houses are exactly the same -- except that the house on the right is brightly lit, and the house on the left isn't. Which house do you think this thief is going to go for?

Same thing for muggers. Do you think a mugger is going to go after someone walking confidently, paying attention to her surroundings, aware of where she is going? Maybe, but he'd more likely go for the person shuffling along; wearing heels so high they're hard to walk in, let alone run in; distracted on a cell phone; scanning a map worriedly.

Call it awareness; call it survival skills; call it being street smart.

Whatever you call it -- have it and save yourself loads of trouble!


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