Monday, July 10, 2006

Bridge over troubled water

Be a bridge over troubled water.

Never fail to be a friend indeed when you see a friend in need. Often the bridge you build over troubled water is the very bridge you yourself may need to cross.

The story is told of a young man hiking through the mountains, when a sudden blinding storm struck. The entire area was covered with deep snow. Before long, the hiker's hands and feet grew numb as he wandered through the storm and snow in search of shelter.

Just then he came upon an older man who had collapsed in the snow. "Are you OK?" asked the hiker.

"I'm so cold and so tired," the weary man stammered. "My legs are numb, and I don't think I have the strength to go any further."

The hiker responded: "Let me help you." He then removed his gloves and began rubbing the man's arms and legs. After several minutes of this gentle massage, the man felt strong enough to stand on his feet.

The two men, supporting each other, made their way through the storm.

Once they reached safety and shelter, the younger man thanked the other for all his help.

"Thank me?" said the older man. "I never would have made it out of there if it wasn't for you. I owe you my life," he said.

"No, you don't understand," responded the younger man. "I was tired, cold, and ready to give up. Helping you gave me the strength and determination to carry on. I owe you everything."



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