Monday, November 21, 2005

A Death Sentence

Following my earlier blog entry Make Time for Your Family, comes this next question; the answer to which would be pretty obvious to the majority.

What would you do, how would you spend your time, if you learned today that you only have 6 months to live? That you will enjoy the best of health for the next 180 days and on the 181th day, you have to depart.

Think about this; do we have to be under a sentence of death to spend more time with our family?


Blogger multidimid said...

Your body is aware of the fact of its death at birth, and of its birth at its death, for all of its possibilities for action take place in the area between….so don’t be afraid to die if you are prepared!

No man or woman consciously knows for sure which day will be the last for him or her in this particular life, that each calls the present one. Mortality with its birth and death is the framework in which the soul, for now, is expressed in flesh.

The knowledge is usually hidden for many reasons, but the fact of death, personal death, is never forgotten. It seems obvious, but the full enjoyment of life would be impossible in the framework, now, of earthly reality without the knowledge of death.

Spiritually the death sentence given you is another chance at life, if you are freely able to accept life with all of its conditions and to feel its full dimensions, for that alone will rejuvenate your spiritual and physical self.

In the entire fabric of your existence, this life is a brilliant, eternally unique and precious portion, but only a portion, from which you emerge with joy and understanding whether you die tomorrow or in years to come. The choice of life and death is always yours.

Life and death are but two faces of your eternal, ever changing existence, however. Feel and appreciate the joy of your own being. Many live into their nineties without ever appreciating to that extent the beauty of their being.

You had lived before, and will again, and your new life, in your terms, springs out of the old, and is growing in the old and contained within it as the seed is already contained within the flower.

A death is just a night to your soul.

11:21 AM  

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